Archive | August, 2016

What Are You Asking For?

I was challenged by the Holy Spirit the other morning with a simple question… What Are You Asking For? I thought about it and focused on several things, but His response in my spirit was short and sweet… You are asking amiss! When He asked me that question my first thought was that familiar verse in Luke… Luke […]

A Vision For 2013

A Vision For 2013 It has been quite a few years since the Lord gave me a vision, and I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or He was giving me one until He began to tell me what I was seeing. After meditating on it for some time I felt that it was something […]

Is Your Wood Wet?

A simple question, but the answer isn’t as simple as it sounds. A simple yes or no won’t work. Obadiah is the shortest book in the Bible but the prophet’s message is a powerful one, one that goes right to the heart of the issue facing us today… deliverance. In Obadiah’s day it was about deliverance […]

King of the Hill

A powerful verse from one of God’s minor prophets set me to reflecting about the past and thinking about the present. Obad 21b … and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s. When we were kids there was a hill just outside of town where we used to play King of the Hill. It was a battle […]

Your Twins

The Holy Spirit caught my attention this morning as I was reading a very familiar scripture; one that all of us know well but often pass over quickly. But as I read it my attention, as it has been for months, was focused not only on the “prophetic” message but on the people to whom […]