5 Markers

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I was doing some studying in Romans the other morning (where else) and I turned to my favorite go to commentator on that Book, D. G. Barnhouse. Let me share with you a great picture he painted in answering the question we have all asked: How can I know what God wants me to do, how can I find out what God’s plan is for my life?

Rom 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. ESV

Dr. Barnhouse was granted the special privilege of standing next to the captain on the bridge of a large tanker as it transited the Panama Canal. He noted that leaving the first locks they began transiting a large inland lake which had been created by the erection of a series of dams. The captain pointed off to the right and said that that’s where the next locks were … but he did note head the ship in that direction.

The captain explained that over the years the jungle rivers deposited silt into the channel in a zig zag fashion with the result that ships transiting those waters had to follow a course through the least silted areas. The only way to do that was for a series of markers to be placed along the desired course to be followed. But in looking at the markers, they did not line up. The captain provided the answer.

When you line up on the first marker there is a black line across it with a white verticals line splitting the middle. A hundred yards behind this first marker is another one just like it but a little bit higher. There was a third marker another hundred yards behind that one; again much higher. By steering the ship in the direction that lined up these markers two at a time, the ship would avoid running aground in shallow water. The series of markers continued until the next locks were reached. And that brings us to Romans 8:14. There are three things that must be in line if we are to know the will of God and remain in it … Dr. Barnhouse:

  1. The first marker: Nothing can be in the will of God if it is contrary to the Word of God. The Word has been given to us, the only infallible rule of faith and practice; and if we depart from it in any respect, we will find that we are led into trouble. It is necessary that you spend time with the Word of God, seeking the entire knowledge of God so that you may have the will of God in all things.
  2. The second marker: The subjective surrender to the Word and will of God. Ninety percent of of knowing the will of God consists in being willing to do the will of God before we know what it is. God will reveal His will, supernaturally, to the one who is willing to obey and follow before he knows what the call is going to be, while He will just as definitely hide His will from the one who still clings to his own selfish ways.
  3. The third marker: The awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit, leading and guiding us into all truth. The  meaning of being led by the Spirit is that we are led by His having laid hold of us; it means that He is brining our soul all the way through to a point of destination; and the entire process is an education. He is bringing us up, rearing us in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
  4. The fourth marker: Our being led by the Holy Spirit is personal and the One who leads us really accompanies us every step of the way, leading and guiding us according to the plan of His heart and mind … as a shepherd with the sheep … Ps 23:4. And that brings us to the very familiar marker … Romans 8:29-29.

  5. The fifth marker: The leading of the Holy Spirit is one that makes Him the author of good to us. His entire work, day after day, is to form us into the image of Christ, and to make us more like our Lord. There is not one incident of life which has not been calculate by God for its effect upon us as His children; none that He has not desired for its spiritual effect upon us. He wants us to face every desperate situation that any of the children of wrath are forced to face, and to know that we can meet every such situation with the triumph of peace and confidence and trust.

Great advice! As we move through life we need to keep our markers aligned … If we want to stay out of the dangerous shallow water.

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