A Vision For 2013

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weeping-rock-springA Vision For 2013

It has been quite a few years since the Lord gave me a vision, and I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or He was giving me one until He began to tell me what I was seeing. After meditating on it for some time I felt that it was something I needed to share with you.


Last night I woke up about 2:30 and tossed and turned. I could not get back to sleep. I tried praying and worshiping but all I felt was being uncomfortable and agitated. Then, after about two hours I saw a strange picture in my mind and it wouldn’t go away…

I saw myself kneeling on one knee near a cluster of rocks and there was a small spring coming out of the top. As I knelt there I was holding my hand under the spring and lifting water to drink with my cupped hand. The whole time I was gazing off into the distance and never looked down. I watched this vision for some time and it never changed. Then the Lord spoke to me.

I told you that 2012 was the year of preparation and that now 2013 is the year of action for My bride. I have chosen each one, prepared them—some over many years—and now I am calling them to action. But there are many who, like some in Gideon’s army, kneel down on hands and knees and drink from the world’s pond. They have no eyes for the future. What they don’t know is that the world’s pond is slowly drying up and they must continually get closer to its center if they want to drink. Soon even the center will be dry. The world will not—cannot—meet their needs.

The spring you see is a small one and the clump of rocks is not large. That is My provision for My bride on her journey. As she pauses to be refreshed she is ever vigilant for the enemy, for it’s in his territory that I am sending her. The spring will only flow for a time, a time of refreshment, and then it will dry up and you will need to follow me to the next spring.

There is a battle ahead for my bride in the harvest field. She must trust me, follow me and be obedient to My Word. There will be many opportunities along the way—may doors opened to share My Gospel—as will there be many battles. The enemy is aware that his time grows short and the militant army I am sending forth under my banner is awesome in His sight.

I have asked you to wake up My bride. Now tell her that it is time to stop drinking at the world’s pond and to move out. There is much work to be done in the kingdom and I will lead, provide for and protect those who will follow. There will always be a spring among the rocks for her. Those who decide to remain behind will not be a part of what I am about to do and one day they will realize their great loss.  

2 Responses to “A Vision For 2013”

  1. Bobbielynn Smith April 8, 2013 at 8:44 pm #

    Hi Tom,

    I would like to post your vision from God on my facebook page. Let me know if that would be okay with you. I am praying God will make all your transitions smooth as you complete the work he has set before you for this season. Blessings to you and your wife.

    In Christ,

    Bobbielynn Smith

  2. Thomas M Mitchell April 8, 2013 at 9:28 pm #

    Absolutely Bobbie – anything I publish please feel free to use if it will benefit anyone
    Blessings my dear friend …

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