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Missed It Again!

Do you ever find your self succumbing to fear? I have, more times than I really want to count. And it’s in those times when I can do nothing less than what God expects me to do… remember who I am and whose I am. But I don’t always do that and my confidence falls […]

No New Words?

Once again, it never ceases to totally amaze me that I can read something in the Bible and all of a sudden an entirely different thought or understanding hits me. And perhaps that is why I love reading and studying the Word so much… there is always something new with the turn of a page. […]

I Forgot The Bread!

There they were, in a boat having crossed the Sea of Galilee and, after what they had just witnessed, what were they thinking about? Matt 16:5 Now when His disciples had come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. Mark tells us that they had just one loaf in the boat. And […]


One of the questions Christians keep asking the Lord is, “What is your heart, Lord?” The problem is that we think that we have the option to decide whether we will go His way not. It is for that very reason that God is not in any way obligated to share His secrets with us […]