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Into The Darkness

Have you ever been punished as a kid by being sent into your room without the light on? I have on occasion and it wasn’t a pleasant experience to say the least. They did, however, make an indelible impression on my mind of what happens in those minutes/hours. I found myself focusing on a few […]

Let Not!

I struggled in the past to get my mind and my soul around God’s command for me to begin taking life one day at a time because I didn’t get the connection to another part of His equation for my life. It has never been too hard for me to discern God’s will for my […]

Birds, Flowers and Grass

Every time I sit down to meditate on the Word of God the Holy Spirit always seems to tie it back to Rom 8:29. But sometimes He links my study back to what has become my most important life verse. It is always found in connection with my walk through this life beside Jesus. And […]

A Fishy Reminder

I have written and taught many times about the encounter that Peter and the other disciples had with Jesus after fishing all day and catching nothing. And one of the interesting parts of the meeting is when Jesus confronted Peter with those 3 famous questions… Peter, do you love me. The first two times Jesus uses the […]