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Looking Ahead!

I was reading the account of the resurrection of Lazarus in John when I came to that familiar verse where John describes Jesus approaching the tome. I have always read these verses as a perfect example of Jesus’ humanity. John 11:33 Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, […]

What Comes First?

2 Cor 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved…  As Paul penned a key part of his second letter to the Corinthians (the 7th chapter) he extended a call to sanctification with a reminder of the promises we have been given. They are like checks drawn on a bank (the First Bank of Heaven) that are made […]


There come those times to all of us when we find ourselves facing a crisis in our life and we don’t know what to do. And it always seems that at that moment the crisis seems to grow larger and the clouds get darker. I was reflecting on that this morning and the Lord reminded […]

Just Let Go

When I left for Viet Nam the first time my mother gave me two things. The little New Testament Bible the Gideons gave me at school on November 24, 1959… yes, they came into the classroom and gave each of us one! And the other was a small medallion she had received from Oral Roberts. I carried […]

Rahab-Hem-Shebeth… Or Not?

I got to thinking the other morning as I was studying Isaiah about the desperate situation Hezekiah found himself in and the direction he chose to follow. Look at these two verses and let’s see if there isn’t something in there for the bride of Christ. There is a lot here and I can only […]