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Is Your Wood Wet?

A simple question, but the answer isn’t as simple as it sounds. A simple yes or no won’t work. Obadiah is the shortest book in the Bible but the prophet’s message is a powerful one, one that goes right to the heart of the issue facing us today… deliverance. In Obadiah’s day it was about deliverance […]

King of the Hill

A powerful verse from one of God’s minor prophets set me to reflecting about the past and thinking about the present. Obad 21b … and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s. When we were kids there was a hill just outside of town where we used to play King of the Hill. It was a battle […]

No Satisfaction

Back in 1965 the Rolling Stones recorded a number one hit that delivered a profound message, but it wasn’t necessarily the one they intended. I got to thinking about that this morning as I was reading Psalm 17 and I thought how true the words of that song were when we put them in perspective of […]

Houdini Christians

Harry Houdini, the famous escape artist, had a slogan that completely summed up who he believed he was… I only get into situations I can control and from which I can escape! In studying the Book of Amos I was challenged by something that Lloyd Ogilvie said in his commentary with respect to Houdini’s mantra… Most of us have a Houdini […]

Remember And Honor

The word “memorial” is designed to focus our attention on a person who has died. They are memorialized in the form of plaques or monuments as standards to remind us of the sacrifice their lives have made. But so often those memorials become blurred and the impact of the sacrifice wanes in the face of […]