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What do we think of when we hear the words “quiet and peaceable?” I picture quiet mountain meadow, a log fire in a remote cabin or a night laying under the stars. I’m sure that word brings up something different for each of us. But for Paul, it meant something far more meaningful in his […]

Made Ready

It seems, at least in my experience, that when the Lord is working on some part of your life that it shows up everywhere you look… and this moment in time is no exception. The Holy Spirit has taken me back once again to the Book of Revelation with a much deeper look at the bride […]

What Comes First?

2 Cor 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved…  As Paul penned a key part of his second letter to the Corinthians (the 7th chapter) he extended a call to sanctification with a reminder of the promises we have been given. They are like checks drawn on a bank (the First Bank of Heaven) that are made […]