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The Inward Look – Not Outward

The Lord changed things up for me this past week and He led me from my study of the Book of Esther in the Old Testament to the Book of Jude. I wasn’t quite sure why after just spending some time digesting the message of Esther. Just as an aside, the book is all about […]

Tell The Truth

As I was reading about the struggles of Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem I came to the place where Nehemiah was challenged once again by the forces of evil; Sanballat, Tobiah and the Arabs, Ammonites and Ashdodites (its always the “ites”). And I was challenged to think about how I overcome […]

A Lighthouse

As I’ve had a little more time to spend with the Lord while recovering from some minor surgery He has been sharing a lot with me out of the Book of Ezekiel. And Saturday morning He flashed a picture of a lighthouse across my mind as I was contemplating the reasons why God called his […]