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Know Your Enemy!

In life here on earth, success is often the result of knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent; in sports, in business, etc. As a result, the mental struggle we go through is wearing and puts us in a constant state of stress. Well, it should come as no surprise that all of that […]

3 In 1

When the Israelites went to war with Amalek (Ex 17), the Word gives us a picture of Moses on top of the hill praying over the battle. Every time Moses weakened and lowered his hands the battle shifted in favor of Amalek. But standing alongside of Moses were Aaron and Hur, Caleb’s Son, who would hold up Moses’ […]

Buds, Blossoms and Ripe Almonds

In reading through Jude once again I was reminded of the issues of rebellion that Moses and Aaron had to endure from a rebellious, murmuring  people that were led to come against God by men from both a religious and worldly rebellion. Jude’s warning against apostates took me back to Numbers and the challenges to God brought against Moses and […]

Tell The Truth

As I was reading about the struggles of Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem I came to the place where Nehemiah was challenged once again by the forces of evil; Sanballat, Tobiah and the Arabs, Ammonites and Ashdodites (its always the “ites”). And I was challenged to think about how I overcome […]

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

America has just come through the first stage of what will likely become an incredible struggle of change over the next four years. One side is basking in new found hope and the other side is wrapping itself in anger. And right in the middle is the bride of Christ… what about her? As I pondered […]