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Missed It Again!

Do you ever find your self succumbing to fear? I have, more times than I really want to count. And it’s in those times when I can do nothing less than what God expects me to do… remember who I am and whose I am. But I don’t always do that and my confidence falls […]

Who or Which?

I have always understood this verse, as have many others, as a promise: Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me. NKJV But the other day I, as is usually the case, read this verse in the KJV: Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Other versions like […]

Made Ready

It seems, at least in my experience, that when the Lord is working on some part of your life that it shows up everywhere you look… and this moment in time is no exception. The Holy Spirit has taken me back once again to the Book of Revelation with a much deeper look at the bride […]