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Jordan – Jericho – Bethel

For each member of the bride of Christ there comes that moment when Jesus says… It’s time to go! And for many of us that means leaving the comfort of leaning on a mentor, be it a pastor, teacher, or a brother or sister in Christ and taking responsibility for answering the calling that God has placed […]

Threads and Knots!

I was reading a poem this morning and it got me to thinking about one of the most troubling aspects of my life. It’s a part of me that I contiually find myself having to contend with, and quite often I lose the battle. And those battles come up from everywhere at anytime, generally when […]

You Are… Perfect!

How many times have we looked at someone who appears to have it “all together” and felt that they were “perfect?” We all have at one time or another. That person seems to walk through life without making any mistakes; the key word here is “seems.” We all know that person is not what he […]

Where Am I??

I was struck by something Oswald Chambers wrote that got me to thinking about how we view sin. He made the comment that “Satan does not tempt us to do wrong things, he tempts us in order to make us lose what God has put into us by regeneration, viz., the possibility of being of […]

Know Your Enemy!

In life here on earth, success is often the result of knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent; in sports, in business, etc. As a result, the mental struggle we go through is wearing and puts us in a constant state of stress. Well, it should come as no surprise that all of that […]