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Not By Chance

Often I find myself reflecting on those verses that the Holy Spirit has made an integral part of me. And if you have been following my writing for any length of time you are well aware that He has me laser focused on Rom 8:29. And as I was thinking about our being conformed into His […]

Missed It Again!

Do you ever find your self succumbing to fear? I have, more times than I really want to count. And it’s in those times when I can do nothing less than what God expects me to do… remember who I am and whose I am. But I don’t always do that and my confidence falls […]

No New Words?

Once again, it never ceases to totally amaze me that I can read something in the Bible and all of a sudden an entirely different thought or understanding hits me. And perhaps that is why I love reading and studying the Word so much… there is always something new with the turn of a page. […]