I Don’t Know… But I Know

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321-i-knowAs our country faces a major junction in her history the majority of us are concerned about her future. As His bride our direction is to trust in Him and His plan for America’s repentance. We are called to stand on the front line and be the light on the hill that shows the way. So as you vote today I want to encourage you that while we might not know the outcome… we know who does.

We have a solid foundation to stand on and now more than ever we need to stand on it. Jesus has burned Matthew 6:33-34 into my spirit and it has carried me through each and every day for the past 15 years. Let it be your guide each and every day. Please take 4 minutes and 55 seconds of your day… whether you like country music or not… and set your heart and your spirit on the message of this song…

I Don’t Know About Tomorrow… But I Know Who Holds Tomorrow… And I Know Who Holds My Future

One Day At A Time!

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