WWJD … No?

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I read that “Jesus never takes part in the perfectly actual mix-up of our human lives.” So, to ask What Would Jesus Do? may not be the question to ask.

If you think about it, it is impossible for Jesus to be where you are. That is why He gave you His Spirit and put you where you are. And in the midst of your circumstances, you have to put on the life of Jesus that lives in you. But that is not imagining that we are going to be like Jesus here on earth. It is just the opposite.

We are God’s sons and daughters and to live our actual life down here we are to walk in faith in Him and be obedient to His leading. Consider that sanctification means the perfection of Jesus (His life) manifesting itself in the actual experiences of our walk with Him though our daily life. Abraham is a good example. He portrays for us a life of faith, not a life the result of faith. His life is an example of the ups and downs that we experience in our living our actual life of faith.

Perhaps, rather than asking “What Would Jesus Do” we should ask … “What Would Jesus Have Me To Do?” For us to think that we can do what Jesus would do ignores “Who He Is” and “Who We Are Not.” His will and His plan for our life can only be fulfilled through our personal relationship with Him, and that comes through our intimate relationship with His Spirit. We cannot be God, but we can lead the life He has given us; the life that is unique to each and every member of His bride. What we need to do in “our” circumstances is unique to us. Our direction must come directly from Him.

So, perhaps the next time we find ourselves struggling with what to do in our circumstances we should not try to figure out what Jesus would do. Let’s ask Him What He Would Have Us to Doand Do It! 

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