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You Are The Mayor

In one of my books (embarrassing – I don’t remember which one) I used an example from the Old Testament to make a point about who we have been called to be in God’s Kingdom and what that represents. And as I was reading in Isaiah Sunday morning I was reminded once again about the […]

The Quilt

How often do we find ourselves in situations where we don’t understand what is happening? How many times do we fail to just trust the Lord that He has a plan and that everything is in His hands? For me, I have to admit that happens too often. I’m a planner and a doer and […]

Are You A Partner – A Partaker?

It’s interesting that John, in his First Letter, opened with a focus on fellowship. And he used a word that we are all familiar with… koinonia. 1 John 1:3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father […]

The Future Is The Norm

There is a whole lot to ponder in that statement and the word “future” could keep us pondering for days. I may be dating myself again but back in 1970 Alvin Toffler wrote a book that captured the attention of at least 6 million people who bought the book… Future Shock. His message surrounded the premise […]

What Are You Asking For?

I was challenged by the Holy Spirit the other morning with a simple question… What Are You Asking For? I thought about it and focused on several things, but His response in my spirit was short and sweet… You are asking amiss! When He asked me that question my first thought was that familiar verse in Luke… Luke […]