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Just Look!

What Isaiah said under the power of the Holy Spirit carries a message for the bride of Christ; the saved and believing members of the body of His body, His church… Isa 45:22 “Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.  Oswald Chambers […]

Any Old Bush!

How often the world hears the word “meekness” and associates it with “weakness.” It seems that the meek shall inherit the earth (Matt 5:5) is just another way of saying that it’s those who don’t do anything that will wind up the winners in the end. What the world, and many Christians, misses is verse 3: theirs […]

Restored Temple

Along my journey through 2 Chronicles I spent some time thinking about Hezekiah and where he found Jerusalem at the outset of his reign. The Temple was in a terrible state of neglect and misuse and was a direct reflection of the condition of the people before God. And he was charged with putting the […]

Elementary My Dear Watson!

I remember the day I bought the book. It was the biggest book I had ever added to my then infant library; The Complete Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had a fan for life and that book followed me over many ensuing years until – alas – it disappeared. I never ceased to be amazed […]