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3 In 1

When the Israelites went to war with Amalek (Ex 17), the Word gives us a picture of Moses on top of the hill praying over the battle. Every time Moses weakened and lowered his hands the battle shifted in favor of Amalek. But standing alongside of Moses were Aaron and Hur, Caleb’s Son, who would hold up Moses’ […]


In writing my book The Battle For Rest  I spent a long time studying Ephesians 6 and the armor of God. As I pondered each piece of armor the Holy Spirit impressed upon me the urgent need for the bride of Christ to understand exactly where she finds herself in this world… in the Army of God. Sadly, […]

Restored Temple

Along my journey through 2 Chronicles I spent some time thinking about Hezekiah and where he found Jerusalem at the outset of his reign. The Temple was in a terrible state of neglect and misuse and was a direct reflection of the condition of the people before God. And he was charged with putting the […]

The Inward Look – Not Outward

The Lord changed things up for me this past week and He led me from my study of the Book of Esther in the Old Testament to the Book of Jude. I wasn’t quite sure why after just spending some time digesting the message of Esther. Just as an aside, the book is all about […]