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A Piercing

At one time or another we all have been or are dedicated to something, either positive or negative. Saul of Tarsus was dedicated to the Law, the feasts, and sacrifices that God laid out in His Word to Israel. But like all of the leaders in Israel, Saul went beyond his personal dedication “to God” […]

Up High – Down Below

I was meditating on Jesus’ transfiguration on the mountain (Matt 7) and the word “vision” in verse 9. It got me to thinking once again about how God gives us His vision and what we “do” with it as opposed what we “are to do” with it. If you read the account of Jesus’ transfiguration you […]

Cast Off

There is something very sad in seeing a beautiful sailing ship sit, day after day, moored to the pier. She is made to take on the ocean and travel far and wide and yet there she is, with sails furled, dock-lines secured to the bollards, sheets coiled and decks empty of any activity. As you […]


One of the questions Christians keep asking the Lord is, “What is your heart, Lord?” The problem is that we think that we have the option to decide whether we will go His way not. It is for that very reason that God is not in any way obligated to share His secrets with us […]