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I was thinking about a verse that I have written about previously on a number of occasions and something hit me that, while I knew it, I never really thought about it. Eph 5:18 … but be filled with the Spirit I have always focused on the tense of the word “filled” (present continuous)… be being filled. We […]

What’s Your Wall?

Paul painted a picture for me the other morning that developed into a rather long discussion with the Lord. It involved a hard look at my life and all of the twists and turns it has taken over these many years. And at the center of that picture (discussion) was a ladder, leaning against a […]


In writing my book The Battle For Rest  I spent a long time studying Ephesians 6 and the armor of God. As I pondered each piece of armor the Holy Spirit impressed upon me the urgent need for the bride of Christ to understand exactly where she finds herself in this world… in the Army of God. Sadly, […]

The Old Testament…Really?

Sometimes I get the question… Why should we study the Old Testament now that we are in the church age? And I used to voice the same question as the OT just seemed to be a “history book” containing the records of Israel’s story… the people that set the stage for Jesus. In other words, I didn’t […]