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Is Your Wood Wet?

A simple question, but the answer isn’t as simple as it sounds. A simple yes or no won’t work. Obadiah is the shortest book in the Bible but the prophet’s message is a powerful one, one that goes right to the heart of the issue facing us today… deliverance. In Obadiah’s day it was about deliverance […]

No Satisfaction

Back in 1965 the Rolling Stones recorded a number one hit that delivered a profound message, but it wasn’t necessarily the one they intended. I got to thinking about that this morning as I was reading Psalm 17 and I thought how true the words of that song were when we put them in perspective of […]

It’s Not About Money?

The moment someone refers to a “plate” in church, the focus of virtually everyone in the pews goes to money. That’s what I used to do but, oh how that misses the point! In studying the Book of Malachi once again I was taken with the message God was delivering to the spiritual leaders in Israel. […]