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Houdini Christians

Harry Houdini, the famous escape artist, had a slogan that completely summed up who he believed he was… I only get into situations I can control and from which I can escape! In studying the Book of Amos I was challenged by something that Lloyd Ogilvie said in his commentary with respect to Houdini’s mantra… Most of us have a Houdini […]

Don’t Forget To Ask Why?!

When we are born again, when we become betrothed to the King of kings to become His bride, when the Holy Spirit brings us into the family of God… we begin the greatest adventure of all time. We may only be a child or we may be a full-grown adult with children of our own; […]

Ever Been Impatient?

Yes… I have been guilty many times! But then again I do take some comfort in the fact that I am not alone. In fact there are some incredibly strong fathers of faith in the Bible that were also guilty of being impatient; more than once. And the other day in an effort to hear […]