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Dead Fish

There is a mixed message (one of many) between the Old Testament and the New with respect to “doing what is right.” But the root of the messages point in the same direction; the desired result is not achieved. Prov 30:12 There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, Yet is not washed […]


Webster defines “whole” as free of defect or impairment or having all its proper parts or components; complete/unmodified. Kinda sounds like “perfect” to me. I wonder if that’s what happened at the the pool; Bethesda? If we look at what both Jesus and the lame man said it’s pretty clear.  John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he […]

The Rest of the Story

For years growing up and well into my adult years I loved hearing Paul Harvey’s stories on the radio. He had an incredible way of building up a true story by setting forth all of the circumstances and conditions without giving up the punch line. And when he finally delivered it, it was almost always […]

Which Comes First?

This question has been asked by every kid at one time or another and the answer still illudes us all… well not the Creator. But it brings up a good question for us. Which comes first in our life and how do we answer the question? I think we get a pretty good clue if we take […]

What Comes First?

2 Cor 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved…  As Paul penned a key part of his second letter to the Corinthians (the 7th chapter) he extended a call to sanctification with a reminder of the promises we have been given. They are like checks drawn on a bank (the First Bank of Heaven) that are made […]