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If you have been following my writings for any length of time, you know that the Lord has drawn me into the message of spiritual maturity. For that reason He has revealed and continues to reveal His truth regarding my most frequently quoted verse; Rom 8:29. And it seems that at every turn He is taking […]

3 In 1

When the Israelites went to war with Amalek (Ex 17), the Word gives us a picture of Moses on top of the hill praying over the battle. Every time Moses weakened and lowered his hands the battle shifted in favor of Amalek. But standing alongside of Moses were Aaron and Hur, Caleb’s Son, who would hold up Moses’ […]

Any Old Bush!

How often the world hears the word “meekness” and associates it with “weakness.” It seems that the meek shall inherit the earth (Matt 5:5) is just another way of saying that it’s those who don’t do anything that will wind up the winners in the end. What the world, and many Christians, misses is verse 3: theirs […]