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It’s Not About Money?

The moment someone refers to a “plate” in church, the focus of virtually everyone in the pews goes to money. That’s what I used to do but, oh how that misses the point! In studying the Book of Malachi once again I was taken with the message God was delivering to the spiritual leaders in Israel. […]


When tragedy strikes, when life is senselessly taken in the name of some ideology or cause, and when fear overwhelms a country, the response is to ask why, what for… who? What happened in Orlando yesterday, what caused the loss of 50 lives and the pain and suffering of 53 more and for all the families […]

Don’t Forget To Ask Why?!

When we are born again, when we become betrothed to the King of kings to become His bride, when the Holy Spirit brings us into the family of God… we begin the greatest adventure of all time. We may only be a child or we may be a full-grown adult with children of our own; […]