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Know Your Enemy!

In life here on earth, success is often the result of knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent; in sports, in business, etc. As a result, the mental struggle we go through is wearing and puts us in a constant state of stress. Well, it should come as no surprise that all of that […]

Roadblock Ahead!

Remember the day you gave your heart to the Lord? No one ever forgets that day and the days and weeks that followed. You were off and running and your heart and spirit were full of joy… that unspeakable joy. But, what happened? How did that journey that began so strongly lose its momentum? Gal […]


I was thinking about a verse that I have written about previously on a number of occasions and something hit me that, while I knew it, I never really thought about it. Eph 5:18 … but be filled with the Spirit I have always focused on the tense of the word “filled” (present continuous)… be being filled. We […]

The Old Testament…Really?

Sometimes I get the question… Why should we study the Old Testament now that we are in the church age? And I used to voice the same question as the OT just seemed to be a “history book” containing the records of Israel’s story… the people that set the stage for Jesus. In other words, I didn’t […]