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Which Comes First?

This question has been asked by every kid at one time or another and the answer still illudes us all… well not the Creator. But it brings up a good question for us. Which comes first in our life and how do we answer the question? I think we get a pretty good clue if we take […]

What Comes First?

2 Cor 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved…  As Paul penned a key part of his second letter to the Corinthians (the 7th chapter) he extended a call to sanctification with a reminder of the promises we have been given. They are like checks drawn on a bank (the First Bank of Heaven) that are made […]

Conjugate – ugh!

It all began in first grade, that dreaded part of the school day… English! I never understood diagramming sentences or conjugating verbs and it haunted me all the way through school. I, me, he, she, it, they, them… past tense, present tense, future tense, and all the others…  present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past […]

Jordan – Jericho – Bethel

For each member of the bride of Christ there comes that moment when Jesus says… It’s time to go! And for many of us that means leaving the comfort of leaning on a mentor, be it a pastor, teacher, or a brother or sister in Christ and taking responsibility for answering the calling that God has placed […]