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You Are The Mayor

In one of my books (embarrassing – I don’t remember which one) I used an example from the Old Testament to make a point about who we have been called to be in God’s Kingdom and what that represents. And as I was reading in Isaiah Sunday morning I was reminded once again about the […]


When tragedy strikes, when life is senselessly taken in the name of some ideology or cause, and when fear overwhelms a country, the response is to ask why, what for… who? What happened in Orlando yesterday, what caused the loss of 50 lives and the pain and suffering of 53 more and for all the families […]

The Spirit Knows!

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows! Well, at the very real danger of dating myself, I must admit that I am a child of BT (before television). And, sadly, the generations that have followed have missed out on something very special… when it was all about radio. In the […]