He Stands In Glory

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David BakerAs many of you know via my Facebook note, I lost my dearest friend, brother in the Lord, mentor and teacher on Father’s day. The Lord decided it was time for Pastor Dave Baker to come home. And while it is a bittersweet pill I rejoice along with Catia and many others that David is now surrounded by the glory of his precious Jesus.

I have had the blessing of ministering with David for the past 25 years or so and during that time He has opened up the doors of heaven for me in so many ways. During those years Diane and I witnessed the powerful move of the Holy Spirit in countless services; honoring Dave’s preaching and teaching of the Word of God.

David and his first wife Linda carried the Word of God to many churches with a powerful prophetic anointing. Their services were always followed with both physical and spiritual healings. And with the prophetic gift also came great discernment and they left a path of incredible fruit behind. When the Lord took Linda home Dave was devastated and for awhile we talked a great deal about what God had in store for him. It was a very difficult time but David’s faith in God’s calling was rewarded with a tremendous gift. Supernaturally God opened the door for Dave into Catia’s life and from that moment on they moved forward, deeply in love and as a powerful ministry team serving in Brazil. Their ministry has been a blessing to many and God has poured out His Spirit in great measure as they ministered His Word. They have been a part of the move of the Spirit that is setting Brazil on fire for the Lord.

And so I, along with so many whose lives Dave has touched over the years, pause and ask God … Why? Sadly for us we know the answer but it so often doesn’t make sense. Diane and I were in the same place standing alongside Dave asking the same question when Linda went home. Now we stand alongside Catia with but the same word … Why? Only now can Dave answer those two questions while we are left to stand in faith in the sovereignty of God.

But as bittersweet as this is I have a huge smile on my face.

My dear brother Warren Larken, who was also ordained into the ministry by David, talked with Catia and recorded the conversation, which he shared with me on Tuesday. What an incredible testimony Dave left us all. Without going into details — many of which I don’t know — let me share with you the glorious side of Dave’s trip home.

He had been ill for several days and the medicine he was taking didn’t help as his immune system was failing for whatever reason. Catia said she became aware that David knew the Lord was taking him home and he was trying to prepare her for that with his typical encouragement in the Word and his wonderful smile. And I think if I know Dave, that smile meant a great deal more. Catia said that during those few days Dave was constantly surrounded by the Glory of God. He described it to her and said at times it was like lighting all around. This was not foreign to Dave as he has seen it many times in his ministry, but this was not for others … it was for Dave.

On the last evening Dave was with us he was lying in bed and Catia was there praying with him when the phone rang sometime after midnight. A pastor from a church where Dave and Catia had just held a revival called because God impressed him to let Dave know  at that very moment that the glory that had fallen during their service had continued to remain. He wanted Dave and Catia to know that their “fruit” remained and was being multiplied in his church. It was shortly after that when Dave peacefully fell asleep and the Lord took him home.

This is important because the Lord told me that phone call was symbolic of all the fruit that remains today as a result of David and Linda and Catia, and their devotion to the Lord’s calling and giftings. What a testimony Dave has left behind that so many of us have witnessed. What a legacy for his daughter Courtney. What a privilege for me to have been blessed to have walked beside him for so many years. To have seen Dave pour out the love of God in some of the most difficult places and circumstances. The prophetic call is a hard call and it took Dave some time to come to grips with it. But when he did, Jesus could not have had a more faithful servant to go into the highways and byways with the hard message of God’s truth. And what a difference He has made in the lives of countless people here in America and in Brazil.

Catia – by the Lord’s grace you are now empowered with all that Dave was given to carry forward the hopes, dreams and vision you both shared. Know in your heart that there are countless warriors interceding for you each and every day here in America, right alongside your precious flock in Sao Paulo. And the spirit of your beloved David rests on your shoulder.And the huge smile on my face?

Well, I always told Dave that I would get there first because I was older and God had so much more for him to accomplish. And here I am, writing this note to myself and sharing it with you while himself is sitting at Jesus feet; surrounded by His glory. I am willing to bet everything I have that there is not a bigger grin anywhere in heaven than the one my dear brother is wearing.

You won the race Dave as I guess I have a bit more to do before it’s my turn.

And at that thought the tears preclude me from writing further.

Until we both stand in His presence Dave, I love you and miss you dearly buddy but I rejoice in your homecoming. Know that Catia and Courtney are ever in our arms and our prayers.


13 Responses to “He Stands In Glory”

  1. Michelle June 20, 2012 at 5:18 am #

    Do you know if they are going to.have a.service for Dave Baker? I worked with him at Sharps Hospital and a lot of RNs want to know if the family.doing anything in the states for him. Thanks

    • Bobbielynn Smith June 20, 2012 at 2:24 pm #

      I am Bobbielynn, I would like to hold a memoral of some type here in San Diego. I will let you know. You can email me at fryingpansam@gmail.com.

  2. Phil Baker June 20, 2012 at 7:21 am #

    Thank you so much for this great tribute to the ministry that the Lord did through my younger brother David. We are heart-broken with the reality of his passing, but we rejoice that his life was used by God to deeply touch Linda, Courtney, and Catia, and so many, many others. And we especially rejoice that he is with Jesus, and Linda, our mother and father, and our sister (who passed a few days before her birth) that we never knew. My wife Ruth Ann, my older brother Joe, his wife Karren, and all of our family are so glad for all that the Lord did in Dave’s life, and that he is walking in glory now. David fell asleep, then he was awakened by the Lord with “Welcome home, good and faithful servant.” Thanks for being his friend and fellow minister, and for this loving testimony of his life and ministry.

    • Thomas M Mitchell June 20, 2012 at 12:43 pm #

      Phil – I know how much he loved you and Joe and Diane and I share our loss with yo and your families. He was special and left me personally with so many warm memories … I will forever hear that special laugh of his and see that smile on his face.

  3. Diane Mitchell June 20, 2012 at 3:53 pm #

    Well Done! I will surely miss him too.

  4. Dr. Martin Oliver June 20, 2012 at 3:54 pm #

    Dear Tom & Diane:

    Thank you so much for your sad and yet joyful message about our dear friend and brother in Christ, Dave Baker.

    Suddenly Dave has left us and now is in the presence of A Mighty God and Savior. Although Dave and I never personally met, I heard nothing but excellent reports from you Tom about Dave: his love for God, his dedication to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and his beloved wives Linda & Catia. Dave Baker will be truly missed. His life had and does now have great meaning.

    Now I am asking the Lord Jesus to tell me what is going on with Dave Baker? What did Dave see when he entered heaven? What was his reaction?

    This is what the Lord Jesus Christ is telling me at this moment to pass on:

    “Dave entered into the realm of glory that he had so often spoken of. His eyes were opened and his spirit soaked in every detail. He walked in amazement with his two guardian angels through paradise, meeting briefly with Father Abraham, pausing to be refreshed with the waters of life, and then moved towards the great city called New Jerusalem. Glory surrounded him, beauty was everywhere, colors went off the scale of intensity and strength, youthfulness and peace filled his spirit. As Dave approached the city gates a large group of loved ones were there to meet him. People rushed towards Dave, hugs and kisses were given, tears shed and the greatest reunion of Dave’s life began.” Thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In the service of the Great King of kings,

  5. Margaret Jean Pray RN Sharp Mary Birch Hospital June 20, 2012 at 9:47 pm #

    Dear Pastor Mitchel, such a beautiful story you have given all of us who loved Dave so dearly? All of us who worked with him at the hospital (myself for 26 years) loved him dearly. I use to call him Dr. Dave because the parents many times thought he was a doctor..
    We all would love to hear about and attend a Memorial here locally if one is scheduled. Please, anyone with knowledge of one, call or email me with the date.
    To David’s dear family and many friends, I extend my deepest regards for your loss and join you in your celebration of his wonderful journey into the Lord’s hands.

    • Thomas M Mitchell June 20, 2012 at 11:40 pm #

      Margaret – I am in Colorado but if anyone has any information concerning a memorial I will gladly post it here and on my other site. Thanks for your comments regarding brother Dave – he loved his work and the folks at Sharp.

  6. Courtney Baker June 21, 2012 at 5:24 am #

    How beautiful and well said Tom! What a good soul, heart & friend he had in you! Look at all these people showing love and appreciation wow… My question I can’t help but ask is, if him and wife knew he was going to heaven and was sick, why didn’t either reach out or email me so I could say goodbye!?? I hadn’t heard from him in almost a year 🙁 Thank you

    • Thomas M Mitchell June 21, 2012 at 1:34 pm #

      Courtney – Things happened so fast that communicating with you and all of us took a back seat to their struggle. There are some things we don’t have answers to but the Lord does. I have found that time and His love have a way of sorting things out. Your Dad taught me that when we were going through some real hard times and things just didn’t make sense. Know that Diane and I are praying for those answers for you and for peace … Love always

  7. Kent Cotarelo June 22, 2012 at 9:20 pm #

    Dear Tom,
    What a wonderful tribute to wonderful man, brother and friend. I have many good memories of the time we all spent attending Seedtime & Harvest Church. Dave was also largely responsible for helping me get a job at Mary Birch Hospital, it was one of the best years of my life before moving back to Oklahoma. We spent a lot of time in the NICU talking. Dave loved being there because he got to pray over the babies all night long. I remember meeting him, Linda and Courtney in Tulsa at Kennith Hagins Campmeeting and teasing him because everyone kept calling him “Pastor”! At that time, I don’t think he wanted that title! I went through an emotional time like this last September when my mom went home to be with Jesus. While we have that assurance that they have achieved the ultimate reward, we still deal with the earthly separation. I too write this note with a smile on my face and a tear running down my face.

    • Thomas M Mitchell June 22, 2012 at 9:44 pm #

      Kent – How wonderful to hear from you. What a blessing it has been to reconnect with so many saints that have been such a wonderful and rich part of my life. It is sad that the focal point has been the loss of our beloved David but God will always provide us with a blessing along with the tears. I see your smiling face as I write this and it brings back fond memories … be blessed and grow in Jesus.

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