Sacrifice… Do We Honor It?

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214 - SacrificeAs Americans, the majority of us honor those who have given their lives to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedom we have been given. But deeper than that, those who have fought side-by-side have a much deeper appreciation of sacrifice. For them it is personal. The life that was given was to save them, and for that reason the warrior fights first and foremost for those he loves… his brothers.

Most Americans understand that, but few truly experience it. We understand it mentally because of what we’ve read or what someone has said, but the actual experience isn’t ours. Yet there is a part of us that acknowledges and respects the sacrifice.

But there is a deep and personal relationship that comes from having lost a buddy in combat that goes beyond the loss of a loved one; no matter how close they are. When someone that close to you, someone who has fought by your side, gives up his life for a cause that you both share… gives up his life for you… a part of you is forever touched in a way that is beyond understanding. There is a gratefulness and thankfulness that forever lives in our heart.

But this isn’t something that is understood by only those who have served in combat. It’s something that all of us can… should… must… experience on a personal level. Sadly, most will not.

214 - Sacrifice CrossThe majority of us fail to understand or experience the sacrifice that was made for each of us. The “Brother” who gave His life that they might live forever. They fail to embrace His sacrifice and, sadly, there are many who don’t even realize that He gave His life for them.

For those of us who understand and have accepted His sacrifice, the sacrifice our Brother has freely given, it is incumbent upon us to share the knowledge of that sacrifice. We need to remember that His life wasn’t given just for those standing with Him as He hung on the Cross… it wasn’t just for us… it was for everyone.

How can we, His brothers and sisters, keep His sacrifice and what it means to a lost and dying world to ourselves?


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