The Lazarus Effect

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There you stand… with God’s call on your life, or His direction, or His promise of a miracle. Just as the manifestation begins to emerge. Just as it begins to look like God’s power is moving in your life… BAM! Here come the religious… here come the doubters… here come the evil doers. Just to make things worse, the ones suddenly coming against you are people who should know better!

Sometimes the people who once were your biggest blessing suddenly become one of the biggest source of cursing in our life. Or maybe in your case they never were close to you, don’t know you and have no right to speak into or about your life. In either case here they are, trying to kill your dream. Speaking doubt over your promise or vision. Trying to get you to back off and settle for something less (compromise). Or maybe they are outright slandering and lying about you. You know the ones… every time they speak it is as if poison is released in the air. I have even seen well meaning ones try to “prophesy” some absolute garbage that is the exact opposite of what God has already told the person. Sometimes we make a mistake by telling a lot of people we are believing for a move, miracle or ministry. Praise God for the power of agreement, but you must be extremely cautious who you ask to come into agreement with you.

You need to know who labors among you. You need to know before you ask, if they will be in complete agreement all based on the Word. This is not spiritual paranoia, it is wisdom from above. I have seen too many, counseled too many and heard about too many who, in their well meaning trust, had it backfire in their face. Many Christians think, “If I could just get enough people praying for me, I would see God’s power.” The Bible says it only takes one to believe!

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