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Waive Your Rights

I read a short piece a while back by my favorite daily encourager, Oswald Chambers, He addressed our challenge with self-interest and how living by faith often sets the issue of waiving our rights center stage. Let me share the challenge that the Holy Spirit set in front of me after I digested his thoughts. […]

No New Words?

Once again, it never ceases to totally amaze me that I can read something in the Bible and all of a sudden an entirely different thought or understanding hits me. And perhaps that is why I love reading and studying the Word so much… there is always something new with the turn of a page. […]

I Forgot The Bread!

There they were, in a boat having crossed the Sea of Galilee and, after what they had just witnessed, what were they thinking about? Matt 16:5 Now when His disciples had come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. Mark tells us that they had just one loaf in the boat. And […]

All In!

I’m not a poker player but I’ve heard a well-turned phrase associated with the game…”All In.” That got me to thinking the other day about a lot of things that phrase applies to other than poker, and the one that stuck in my head concerned a verse from 1 Peter… 1 Peter 2:9 But you are […]